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Children in early primary are still developing their identity and by giving them a safe space to visualise the identity they are forming and to be able to look at what they are creating and own it, is a really powerful opportunity. When we can help them see the strengths in their identity and maybe consolidate those strengths, or to reflect on what they may not necessarily not want to intrench moving forward, they can have to opportunity for critical thinking and awareness, however no one is really helping them do that kind of critical thinking. This project is giving them a safe place to say "this is who I am and want to be.”
Our aim is to help bring awareness to our children the power our words and   self talk has on our feelings, our bodies, our self worth and getting our needs met. When we can take responsibility for how we talk to and about ourselves ,we can     use our language powerfully to create what we want for ourselves and our lives.      
*Kidzcollective uses activities and open ended discussion to help our children understand the difference   between thoughts and feelings.                                                                                                   
*Role play encourages children to see and feel the affect our thoughts have on our feelings, body   language and getting our needs met.   
*Breathing exercises help them learn to visualise and feel what they intend to be, feel and create for   themselves.                                                                                                                                                    *Strength shield  The animated self portrait, reminds our kids of their intentions and acts as a buffer for   children, teachers and parents to use when faced with challenges  .
  Our aim is to help bring awareness to our children the power our words and   self talk has on our feelings, our bodies, our self worth and getting our needs met. When we can take responsibility for how we talk to and about ourselves ,we can     use our language powerfully to create what we want for ourselves and our lives.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
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