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The art pieces that have been created by the children with this project are fantastic, I am so looking forward to purchasing Ellie's. Thank you so much. When I walked into her class on Tuesday it was such a joy to see all of the children's  fantastic work. The children were so proud of their achievements too. Great work, great project.

Joanna McPherson

"My children were so pleased with their pieces and they are so proud of the work they've done.  They were able to bring them home and took great pride in showing everyone their special art.  I love that you've captured a little piece of their ability atthese stages of their lives.  To be honest, I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of putting their  work on a canvas if it wasn't  made available to me.   Thanks again. These will take pride of place in our home :)"

Jayne Prentice

When Scarlett saw her canvas her response was amazing: “I was really, really happy and excited!” she said.“I just love this inspirational  and unique concept.It gives children the opportunity to grasp the concepts of resilience  and building self worth tools.and really listen to their amazingly creative brains! The finished project looks absolutely amazing! My 6 year old daughter drew a lovely picture of herself and when she saw the final product on canvas that Kelly animated her smile was from ear to ear ! Thank you Kelly for inspiring my children and my daughter to shine and turning  a drawing into a priceless momento.

Cristie Hutchison

I have been using the book Rainbow Dreaming – visualisation for Children, in my classroom for a term and found it to be a valuable resource. I work with 8 & 9 year olds, and had been using these techniques with the class. The children were responding well, so I felt it was time to go a step further and introduce the concept of visualisation. Amy’s explanation in her book about defining meditation was excellent – the children grasped it easily, and on the blackboard now is a constant reminder that meditation “calms the body and quietens the mind”. I have used all the beginning activities and the children loved them. Each of the meditations is fun and magical, and the CD is a fabulous addition because it allows me to walk around and help calm any restless children. I always do a meditation after the lunch break and it is wonderful to watch 25 children lying together in a circle, relaxed and maintaining deep breathing, almost as one, while listening to one of Amy’s guided meditations from her CD. The rest of the day flows more smoothly and the children are calmer and more focused on their work.

Annette Innes
BA (Psych), Dip. Ed
Eden Hill Primary School.

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