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Classroom workshops with students involve roleplay and games to discover the difference between our thoughts and our feelings and experiencing the impact of our self talk on our feelings and choices.

 The experience of the thought pattern:                    

 “Its ok to make mistakes ” for instance, instead of “I am hopeless”.

Awareness of the different effect of each thought on how we feel about ourselves and what choices we make next are lessons to build resilience and awareness at a young age.

By distinguishing the words that give us power and words that take our power away, we are able to understand we actually have the power to change our own experiences therefor, feelings without making words or experiences right or wrong .

Children are guided to discover their own positive words using giant banner artwork creating a visual feast in the classroom.

We use experiential and visual learning in the classroom to create a stimulating experince.

                                                                Guided Visualisation

By visualising and creating ourselves using our powerful words and imagination we can feel responsible for what we create and intend. We use Rainbow Dreaming Cards and visualisations during the process.


Self portraits created after the visualization are a born from positive feelings and words. These are our strength shields when faced with challenges and to remind us of our intentions and powerful choices.


Children draw themselves as their own super hero self together with their own powerful words. Artworks are taken home to parents to discuss and bought back to school to be collected by and animated by Kidzcollective. Digitally animated and digitally printed onto fabric the children’s artwork comes to life as a piece of artwork to be displayed at home and exhibited at school for fundraising. Each artwork is a daily reminder of our strengths and intentions for ourselves and our life.

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